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PracNet is a grass roots community, ultimately supported and directed by its members.

PracNet is coordinated by the Australian National University's Academic Unit of General Practice, and supported by ACT Health Directorate. We are keen to engage broadly in line with our Vision & Scope. We would also like to engage with other PBRNs to support scale up and transferability of projects.

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Kirsty Douglas is Professor of General Practice at the Australian National University, and Director of the Academic Unit of General Practice at ACT Health combining clinical work in general practice, medical education, policy development and primary health care health services research.

Kirsty's research interests are broad and encompass primary care, but have a focus on ensuring high value health services and systems, particularly for vulnerable people.

As Chair of PracNet, Kirsty provides oversight for projects, networking opportunities for members, and ensures PracNet conducts meaningful and impactful research.

Prof. Kirsty Douglas

PracNet Chair


Katrina Anderson is Associate Professor, Academic Unit of General Practice, ANU Medical School (ANUMS) and Medical Education Adviser for the Canberra Region Medical Education Council. Katrina currently works clinically in refugee and asylum seeker health and has a variety of roles within the ANUMS and ACT Health in training medical students and junior doctors.
Katrina's main research and education interests are in medical education specifically around the vertical integration of medical training, supervisor support and pre vocational training of doctors. Katrina is involved in member engagement and provides research direction.

A/Prof. Katrina Anderson

Medical Education Expert

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Katelyn Barnes is the Senior Research Officer and Lecturer for the Academic Unit of General Practice. Katelyn is a Dietitian by trade, but researcher by heart (and extensive training). Katelyn conducts and supervises health services and systems research and contributes to medical student teaching on diet and motivational interviewing.

Katelyn is an experienced primary health care researcher interested in improving health services and systems to ensure high value patient care. Katelyn uses her research expertise to provide research support for PracNet members and coordinates meetings.

Dr. Katelyn Barnes

PracNet Project Management

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Donna Anthes administers the Teaching Incentives Programs and coordinates ANU Medical Student placements in General Practice. Co-ordinates memberships of PracNet and communications -- keeping us all in touch.

Ms Donna Anthes

PracNet Membership & Engagement


Brigid Casells is executive assistant to Professor Kirsty Douglas. Brigid helps to manage PracNet communications and meetings.

Ms Brigid Cassells

PracNet Membership & Engagement


Dr Dagmar Ceramidas is a business manager, who's skills are grounded in over 30 years of clinical and managerial experience in a range of public and private healthcare services. Dagmar actively supports all aspects of AUGP research and ensures a collaborative link with the ACT Health Directorate. Dagmar uses her business acumen and budgeting wizardry to support Pracnet projects to completion.

Dr. Dagmar Ceramidas

Business Manager

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